
Blockstarter is a lightweight starter block theme that takes advantage of the latest full site editing experience in WordPress. The theme is extremely lightweight – only 30KB compressed file size without the fonts and images. No additional libraries or any unnecessary code to slow you down – only core Gutenberg blocks have been used. At the same time, we have made sure the theme is compatible with all the popular plugins and it even supports the good old Classic editor. The theme includes 7 predefined style variations, custom block styles and custom block patterns to get you started as soon as possible. Feel free to modify it, use it to learn how to create your own block theme or design your next awesome project.

Amazing Style Variations

The theme comes with captivating style variations. Style variations are predefined color palettes that you can use to change the look and feel of your website with a single click!

Blockstarter Style Variations

Powerful Block Styles

Changing the styles of the default blocks has never been easier. Choose your desired block style with a single click!

Awesome theme demos

Browse through our collection of high quality demo templates. Our talented team members worked hard for many months to provide you with high quality demos which are available in the premium version of the theme. Everything is set up for you, no need to waste time figuring out how things work. The templates are built for the Gutenberg editor, (the core WordPress editor) which make them very fast and easy to use. The demos are provided for those of you who decide to upgrade to the Pro version of the theme! More demos are coming soon!

Blockstarter Pro – Unlimited Possibilities

Unlock all the premium features, e.g. additional theme demos, unlimited page templates, different sidebar positions, post archives multi-column layout, more patterns, block styles. Make your website truly unique by choosing different combinations of Google Fonts. If you decide to upgrade, you will also get access to support and updates.

Free Vs Pro (Premium)

Compare the free and premium version of the theme.

FreeFeaturesPro (Premium)
yesWooCommerce compatibleyes
yesGutenberg Compatibleyes
yesRTL language supportyes
1Google Fonts20+
yescustom font sizesyes
1demo templates3
3style variations7
yespage sidebaryes
nopost sidebaryes
nopost archives sidebaryes
noleft sidebaryes
yesright sidebaryes
5block patterns12
yesblock stylesyes
nopost archives multi-column layoutyes
noblank page templateyes