Top 10 Open Source E-commerce Platforms in 2024

In the digital age, e-commerce has evolved from a mere luxury to a necessity for businesses looking to thrive and expand their reach. According to data from 2022, online shopping generated $1.03 trillion in revenues for the same year. With plenty of software tools available, choosing the right e-commerce platform can be challenging. Open-source e-commerce platforms, with their flexibility and community-driven improvements, offer a compelling solution. Here, we have carefully hand-picked the best open-source e-commerce platforms to choose for your online shop.


WooCommerce is on top of our list and there are a lot of good reasons for this. WooCommerce is a customizable, open-source e-commerce platform built on WordPress. It powers a significant portion of online shops worldwide, thanks to its seamless integration with WordPress, the CMS that powers more than 43% of all websites as of April 2024. One of the biggest advantages of WordPress is the extensive range of plugins and themes that allows for easy customization and scalability, as well as the awesome community and support behind this open-source project. At the same time, WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce platform in the world, powering more than 6,000,000 e-commerce websites.


  • WordPress Integration: WooCommerce seamlessly integrates with WordPress, providing an easy-to-use platform for those already familiar with WordPress. This integration allows for the use of a wide range of WordPress themes and plugins, enhancing the functionality and appearance of your e-commerce site.
  • Customizable: A vast selection of themes and plugins available for WooCommerce enables businesses to tailor their online store to meet their specific needs and preferences. Customization can range from aesthetic changes to functional enhancements.
  • User-Friendly Interface: WooCommerce offers a straightforward dashboard for managing products, orders, and customers. The interface is intuitive, making it accessible for users with varying levels of technical expertise.
  • SEO Benefits: Being a part of WordPress, WooCommerce benefits from the platform’s robust SEO capabilities. This can help improve the visibility of your online store in search engine results, attracting more traffic.
  • Flexible Product Management: WooCommerce supports the sale of physical, digital, and even affiliate products. It includes features for managing inventory, setting up product variations, and configuring shipping options.
  • Global Community Support: As a widely used platform, WooCommerce has a large community of users and developers. This community is a valuable resource for support, advice, and custom extensions.
  • Scalability: WooCommerce can scale from small to large online stores, making it a viable option for businesses as they grow. It can handle numerous products and high volumes of traffic without compromising on performance.
  • Secure: Regular updates and a dedicated development team keep WooCommerce secure. Additionally, being open-source means that security vulnerabilities are quickly identified and addressed.
  • Analytics and Reporting: WooCommerce includes built-in analytics and reporting tools that provide insights into sales performance, customer demographics, and other key metrics. This data is crucial for informed decision-making.


  • Requires WordPress: Its greatest strength can also be its weakness. WooCommerce operates as a plugin for WordPress, so it cannot be used on websites that don’t run on this content management system. This can be a limitation for businesses not already using WordPress or those preferring a different platform.
  • Performance Issues: As you add more products, extensions, and customizations, WooCommerce can become slower. This is especially true if you’re on shared hosting or if your hosting plan isn’t optimized for WooCommerce, leading to longer loading times that can affect user experience and SEO.
  • Requires Maintenance: Being a self-hosted platform, WooCommerce requires regular updates for WordPress, the plugin itself, and any extensions you use. Failing to keep up with updates can lead to security vulnerabilities and bugs, but updating can sometimes break functionality if not done carefully.
  • Learning Curve: Although WooCommerce is user-friendly, there’s still a learning curve, especially for users not familiar with WordPress. Customizing and managing an e-commerce site with WooCommerce can require some technical knowledge or willingness to learn.
  • Dependence on Plugins: To extend the functionality of your WooCommerce store, you’ll likely rely on multiple plugins. This can introduce compatibility issues, security vulnerabilities, and potentially a more complex update management process.
  • Security Responsibilities: As with any self-hosted solution, the responsibility for securing your online store falls on you. This includes ensuring secure payment processing, safeguarding customer data, and staying compliant with regulations like GDPR.
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Magento (Adobe Commerce)

Magento was acquired by Adobe in 2018 and renamed to Adobe Commerce in 2021. It offers a powerful blend of flexibility and scalability for businesses aiming for rapid growth. As of today, more than 250,000 e-commerce businesses have built their websites on Magento. The Open Source (Community) Edition is available for free, whereas the other two editions require payment of licensing fees. With its robust set of advanced features, extensive support network, and a plethora of extensions, Magento can meet the needs of both small businesses and large enterprises. However, it may require a steeper learning curve and more development resources.


  • Highly Customizable and Flexible: Magento offers extensive customization options, allowing businesses to tailor their online stores to their exact needs and preferences. This flexibility extends to both the look and functionality of the store.
  • Scalability: Magento is designed to handle large-scale e-commerce operations, making it an ideal choice for growing businesses. It can support a vast number of products and high volumes of traffic without compromising on performance.
  • Robust Features: Out of the box, Magento comes with a wide range of features designed specifically for e-commerce, such as advanced inventory management, multiple store management, and comprehensive analytics and reporting tools.
  • Strong SEO Capabilities: Magento has built-in SEO features that help ensure your products are more likely to rank higher in search engine results, driving more traffic to your store.
  • Large Community: Magento has a large, active community of developers and users. This community is a great resource for finding extensions, solving problems, and getting advice on how to best use the platform.
  • International Sales Support: Magento supports multiple languages and currencies, making it easier for businesses to sell internationally.
  • Security: Regular updates and a dedicated security team help keep Magento sites secure. The platform also offers advanced security features to protect against common vulnerabilities.


  • Complexity: Magento’s flexibility and range of features come at the cost of high complexity. Setting up and managing a Magento store can be challenging, especially for those without technical expertise. You have been warned.
  • Cost: The Community Edition of Magento is free, but businesses often need the paid Enterprise Edition to access certain features, which can be costly. Additionally, hosting, themes, and extensions can add to the overall expense.
  • Performance: Without proper optimization, Magento can be slow, especially on lower-quality hosting solutions. Performance issues can negatively impact user experience and SEO.
  • Resource-Intensive: Magento requires a robust hosting environment due to its complexity and the vast array of features it offers. This can increase the cost of hosting significantly.
  • Requires Regular Maintenance: Keeping a Magento site up to date and secure requires regular maintenance, including updates and patches. This can be time-consuming and sometimes requires professional assistance.
  • Learning Curve: Due to its complexity and myriad of features, there’s a significant learning curve associated with using Magento. Properly managing a Magento site often requires a deeper understanding of web development and e-commerce principles.
  • Dependency on Developers: Given its complexity and the technical knowledge required to customize and maintain Magento sites, businesses often need to rely on skilled developers, which can add to operational costs.


PrestaShop stands out for its user-friendly interface and powerful analytical tools. It offers a comprehensive set of features that enable businesses to build a fully functional online store from scratch. PrestaShop’s marketplace boasts thousands of themes and modules, allowing users to customize their store to their heart’s content. As of today, more than 200,000 e-commerce sites trust PrestaShop.


  • User-Friendly Interface: It offers a straightforward and intuitive back-office interface, making it easier for store owners to manage their online shops without extensive technical knowledge.
  • Customizable: With a wide range of themes and modules (both free and paid), businesses can customize their stores to match their brand and meet their functionality needs.
  • Multilingual and Multi-Currency Support: PrestaShop supports multiple languages and currencies, facilitating businesses to expand their operations internationally.
  • Active Community: It has a large and active community of users and developers who contribute plugins and themes, and offer support to each other, which can be particularly helpful for troubleshooting.
  • SEO Friendly: The platform is designed with SEO in mind, providing features that help optimize your site and products for search engines, potentially increasing visibility and traffic.
  • Decent Catalog Management: PrestaShop offers robust catalog and inventory management features, allowing for efficient handling of a wide array of products.


  • Performance Issues with Larger Stores: While suitable for small to medium-sized stores, PrestaShop can struggle with performance when handling large inventories or high traffic volumes, unless properly optimized.
  • Can Become Costly: Despite being free to download, the cost of purchasing premium themes, and modules, and potentially hiring developers for customization or troubleshooting can add up.
  • Requires Technical Knowledge: Basic setup and management are straightforward, but deeper customization and troubleshooting may require technical skills or the assistance of a developer.
  • Limited Customer Support: The official customer support options are limited, primarily relying on community forums and third-party services for help, which may not be ideal for businesses requiring immediate or dedicated support.
  • Updates and Maintenance: Keeping the store updated with the latest version of PrestaShop and all the modules can be time-consuming and sometimes lead to compatibility issues.
  • Scalability Concerns: Although PrestaShop can be scaled to an extent, larger e-commerce businesses might find it challenging to maintain optimal performance without significant customizations or moving to more powerful hosting solutions.
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OpenCart is renowned for its simplicity and straightforward management system. Ideal for small to medium-sized businesses, it offers a robust set of features, including multi-store management, an extensive amount of extensions, and a dedicated community for support. OpenCart is a great starting point for businesses looking to make their mark online without heavy development. OpenCart has lost some of its popularity in the recent years due to the rise of other e-commerce platforms but is still widely used, with more than 250,000 live e-commerce websites sitll using it as of today.


  • User-Friendly Interface: It boasts an intuitive and straightforward admin interface, which makes site management accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.
  • Extensibility Through Extensions: With a wide array of plugins and themes available, both free and paid, users can easily customize and extend the functionality of their stores to meet specific business requirements.
  • Multilingual and Multi-Currency Support: OpenCart supports multiple languages and currencies, making it easier for businesses to expand their market reach internationally.
  • Community Support: It has a strong community of developers and users who contribute to the platform’s development, offer support, share extensions, and provide valuable insights into improving store functionality and performance.
  • SEO Friendly: OpenCart is designed with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind, offering features that help enhance the visibility of your store in search engine results.
  • Lightweight and Fast: Compared to some other e-commerce platforms, OpenCart is relatively lightweight, leading to faster loading times and a better user experience.


  • Updates and Upgrades Can Be Challenging: Updating OpenCart to the latest version can sometimes be complex and risk breaking customizations or third-party extensions.
  • Scalability Issues: While OpenCart is suitable for small to medium-sized businesses, it may struggle with performance and scalability when dealing with large product catalogs or high traffic volumes.
  • Developer Dependency for Customization: Although basic setup and operations are straightforward, significant customizations or troubleshooting technical issues may require expertise beyond the average user’s capability, often necessitating the hiring of developers.
  • Limited Out-of-the-Box Features: Some users find that OpenCart’s core functionality is somewhat basic, requiring additional extensions to match the feature set of more comprehensive platforms.
  • Security Concerns: Like many open-source platforms, OpenCart can be vulnerable to security threats if not properly maintained, including regular updates and security patches.
  • Varied Quality of Extensions: Given the open nature of the extension marketplace, the quality and reliability of plugins can vary significantly, potentially impacting your store’s functionality and user experience.

Drupal Commerce

Built on the Drupal CMS, Drupal Commerce is perfect for users looking for a solution that goes beyond mere e-commerce. It’s particularly suited for those who also want to incorporate content-rich sites with their online stores. Drupal Commerce is highly customizable and capable of handling complex payment models and business requirements, making it ideal for advanced users and large-scale retailers. As of today, more than 10,000 online businesses trust Drupal Commerce


  • Integration with Drupal: Being built on top of Drupal, it benefits from all the features and capabilities of this powerful CMS, including robust content management, user permissions, and SEO tools.
  • Scalability: Drupal Commerce is designed to scale with your business, capable of handling both small shops and large e-commerce sites with thousands of products and high traffic volumes.
  • Strong Security Features: Drupal is known for its focus on security, offering regular updates and patches to keep sites safe from vulnerabilities. Drupal Commerce inherits this security focus, making it a secure choice for e-commerce.
  • Multi-Language and Multi-Currency Support: It supports multi-language and multi-currency out of the box, making it suitable for international e-commerce operations.
  • Rich Ecosystem of Modules: There’s a vast library of Drupal modules available to extend the functionality of your e-commerce site, from payment and shipping integrations to marketing and CRM tools.


  • Complexity: The high level of complexity flexibility of Drupal Commerce is known to have pushed away beginner users without the necessary technical expertise..
  • Resource Intensive: Drupal Commerce sites can be resource-intensive, requiring robust hosting solutions as your site grows in complexity and traffic, which could increase operational costs.
  • Development Costs: While Drupal Commerce itself is free, customizing and maintaining a Drupal site often requires the assistance of experienced developers, which can add to the total cost of ownership.
  • Upgrades Can Be Challenging: Major version upgrades (for example, migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 or 9) can be complex and time-consuming, often requiring a significant redevelopment of the site.
  • Performance Issues: Out of the box, Drupal Commerce might not be optimized for speed, especially on larger sites. Performance optimization can require additional effort and expertise.
  • Lack of Features: While highly customizable, Drupal Commerce might not have as many ready-to-use e-commerce features as some other platforms, meaning more development work to launch a fully-featured store.

Joomla! with VirtueMart

Joomla!, combined with the VirtueMart extension, offers a powerful solution for entrepreneurs looking to dive into e-commerce. VirtueMart is a highly customizable tool that integrates seamlessly with Joomla!, providing users with a flexible and robust system for managing their online business. As of today, the VirtueMart extension is used on approximately 35,000 live websites.


  • Integration with Joomla!: Joomla!’s powerful content management capabilities combined with VirtueMart’s e-commerce features offer a robust platform for both managing content and selling products online, all within one integrated system.
  • Customizable: With a wide range of templates and extensions available, users can customize the look and functionality of their site to match their brand and meet specific business needs.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Joomla! is known for its user-friendly back-end interface, and VirtueMart inherits this, making it relatively easy for shop owners to manage their online store without extensive technical knowledge.
  • Multilingual and Multi-Currency Support: VirtueMart supports multiple languages and currencies, facilitating businesses to reach a global audience and sell internationally.
  • SEO Capabilities: Joomla! provides strong SEO tools that can be extended to VirtueMart, helping improve the visibility of your products in search engine results.


  • Complexity: While Joomla! offers a user-friendly interface, the platform as a whole can be overwhelming for new users or those without web development experience, especially when integrating with VirtueMart.
  • Performance issues: For very large online stores or those with high traffic volumes, users may encounter performance and scalability issues without proper optimization and robust hosting.
  • Development and Maintenance Costs: While the core software is free, costs can accumulate for premium templates, extensions, professional customization, and maintenance services.
  • Security: Being popular open-source platforms, both Joomla! and VirtueMart are targets for security threats. Regular updates and security measures are necessary to keep your e-commerce site secure.
  • Updates and Compatibility Issues: Keeping Joomla! and VirtueMart, along with their extensions and templates, up-to-date can sometimes lead to compatibility issues, requiring careful management and possibly technical assistance.
  • Lack of Features: While VirtueMart provides essential e-commerce functionalities, it may lack some advanced features offered by dedicated e-commerce platforms, potentially limiting more complex e-commerce strategies.


One of the pioneers in open-source e-commerce platforms, osCommerce offers a wide range of features and a vast community of users and developers. Its simplicity makes it easy to set up an online store; however, it may require some customization to meet the latest e-commerce standards. Even though it has declined in growth due to high competition and high customer demands, osCommerce is still a leading e commerce platform. As of today, more than 150,000 live websites are using the software.


  • Ease of Installation: osCommerce is known for its straightforward installation process, making it accessible for beginners.
  • Community Support: With a long history, it boasts a large community for support, contributing plugins, and sharing knowledge.
  • Wide Range of Add-ons: There are thousands of free and paid add-ons available, allowing for extensive customization of your store.


  • Outdated Design and User Interface: Compared to newer platforms, osCommerce’s design and user interface can feel outdated, potentially impacting the customer experience.
  • Security Issues: Historical security vulnerabilities have been a concern, requiring regular vigilance and updates.
  • Limited Modern E-commerce Features: As e-commerce has evolved, osCommerce has struggled to keep pace with the features and functionalities offered by newer platforms.
  • Performance Issues: Without optimization, osCommerce can suffer from performance issues, especially on larger stores or those with high traffic.

Zen Cart

Zen Cart is another veteran platform that prioritizes the shopping cart experience. It’s designed by shop owners, for shop owners, which is evident in its user-centric approach. Zen Cart is known for its strong community support and its emphasis on security and customization.


  • Customizable: Offers a high degree of customization for those with the technical skills to modify PHP, HTML, and CSS.
  • Community Support: Benefits from an active community offering support, plugins, and templates.
  • E-commerce Focused: Designed by shop owners, developers, and consultants to be as user-friendly as possible for merchants.


  • High Complexity: Customizing and updating Zen Cart can require a good level of technical skill, making it not suitable for beginners.
  • Dated Interface and Architecture: Like osCommerce, Zen Cart’s architecture and user interface can feel outdated compared to newer platforms.
  • Development Effort: Significant effort may be required to implement modern website designs or functionalities.


Sylius is a modern, Symfony-based e-commerce platform designed for PHP developers. It focuses on flexibility and testability, making it a great choice for developers looking for a customizable and easy-to-integrate e-commerce solution.


  • Modern Technology Stack: Built on Symfony framework, Sylius represents a more modern approach to e-commerce, offering flexibility and a robust architecture.
  • Highly Customizable and Extensible: Its structure allows for significant customization and is designed to be extended with custom functionality.
  • API-First Approach: Sylius provides a strong foundation for building headless e-commerce applications, offering flexibility in how and where you sell products.
  • Strong Developer Community: Though smaller, the Sylius community is very active and growing, with a focus on modern web development practices.


  • Requires Symfony Knowledge: To get the most out of Sylius, familiarity with the Symfony framework is necessary.
  • Small Ecosystem: Compared to more established platforms, Sylius has a smaller selection of ready-made plugins and themes.
  • Potentially Higher Development Costs: The need for specialized development skills can lead to higher costs for customization and maintenance.

Spree Commerce

Built with Ruby on Rails, Spree Commerce is a flexible and scalable open-source e-commerce platform. It’s designed for developers and businesses looking for a robust, out-of-the-box solution that can also be tailored to fit unique business needs.


  • Ruby on Rails Framework: Spree Commerce is built on Ruby on Rails, offering a modern, scalable, and flexible e-commerce solution.
  • API-Driven and Headless Commerce: Excelling in API-driven solutions, Spree is suitable for building complex, multi-channel e-commerce ecosystems.
  • Open Source and Customizable: Offers a vast range of customization options to tailor the e-commerce experience fully.
  • Vibrant Community: Supported by a vibrant and active developer community, ensuring ongoing development and support.


  • Ruby on Rails Required: Requires knowledge of Ruby on Rails for customization, which can limit access to developers familiar with this framework.
  • Hosting and Performance: Being resource-intensive, Spree Commerce may require more robust hosting solutions to ensure optimal performance.
  • Learning Curve: The platform’s flexibility and range of features come with a learning curve, potentially making it challenging for newcomers.

Choosing the best open-source e-commerce platform

Choosing the right open-source e-commerce platform involves evaluating your business needs, budget, and technical expertise. Each of the platforms listed offers unique advantages and capabilities. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, there’s an open-source solution out there that can help propel your e-commerce venture to new heights. With their extensive communities and flexible nature, these platforms provide a solid foundation for building a successful online store.